Welcome to DrDina Wellness, a site where you can get information on a natural approach to healing your body. This will include reviews on various supplements that I have used in my athletic endeavors over the years as well as for the purpose of healing my body and the bodies of my patients in my chiropractic practice. You’ll also find other write ups about diet, exercise, and other subjects related to improving your health and well-being. You will notice that there is an emphasis on how to deal with inflammation as it is a prevalent issue in the human condition.

I’ve been involved in some intense sport or form of exercise for as long as I can remember. At a certain point I had to learn how to eat to enhance my performance and recover faster after my workout sessions as well as to modify my body composition. I view food and nutritional supplementation as medicine.

In my holistic chiropractic practice I’ve been helping patients get better results with their chiropractic treatments, utilizing nutrition and nutritional therapy.
As a personal trainer I have helped my clients reach their goals with proper nutrition and supplementation to get the best results from their training.
As for my story, In the year 2000, I discovered Spinning, aka Indoor Cycling. I fell in love with it. 12 to 15 years prior to that I was a competitive cyclist, so when I discovered Spinning it was a perfect fit. But as with most athletic endeavors, I over did it. I took spin classes 7 days a week and started teaching classes as well.
After a couple years, I started to get migraines, as many as 3 times per week. I struggled with that for about 2 years when I met a couple of different holistic practitioners who both told me (on separate occasions) that my pancreas was deficient. I met a nutritional therapist who confirmed this and started me on a therapeutic nutrition protocol to balance my pancreas.
I also found out that my adrenal glands were seriously deficient, which makes so much sense with all the stress I was putting my body under. I also had digestive issues that needed to be addressed. I wasn’t absorbing my nutrition. And then there was the issue of hormone imbalance. And so my journey began to heal my body with nutrition. I detoxed and began eating the food my body needed coupled with specific therapeutic nutrition. The migraines went from 3 a week to one a month.
Now jump forward to 2009 (I had cut way back on the spin classes) when I got certified to teach Zumba Fitness. I enjoyed teaching so much that I kept adding classes of various fitness formats to my teaching schedule.

At one point I was teaching 13 classes a week, weight lifting 6 days a week and prepping for a body building competition and that included a very strict diet of 6 meals a day of either chicken, fish turkey or eggs and low glycemic vegetables. My carbohydrates were minimal. I was having a blast as I got into the best shape of my life.

At a certain point though my body couldn’t do this anymore. After my competition in August of 2014, I started eating anything and everything I wanted and I began to have pain and swelling in my knees and then eventually in all of my joints. Pain relievers and anti-inflammatories helped a little but they tore my stomach up. I discovered once again that I needed to clean up my eating and get back to my natural medicine.
I don’t like to see people suffer with pain or discomfort. In my profession, the majority of my patients come to me with pain. Sometimes a simple adjustment of their spine with some massage helps them to feel better, but sometimes it doesn’t. Big changes in how a person feels often come when nutritional changes are made in conjunction with the spinal adjustments. I prefer using alternatives that are healthy for the body to help patients get out of pain and discomfort. This way promotes good health and longevity. Better for the long run.
My goal here is to help as many people as I can, utilizing alternative methods to heal their body. I’ll be reviewing various nutritional products, discussing the importance of dietary intake as well as talking about the importance of exercise, stretching and life style change.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will do my best to help you out.
All the best,
DrDina Martin