Booster Pro 2 Review – Decrease your pain with percussion massage

It’s always fun to find a new method for increasing recovery after workouts as well as decreasing pain and stiffness in the joints. An important factor for athletes, whether you’re a competitive athlete, someone who works out for health and fitness, or a weekend warrior, is the ability to recover. Recovery is important in order to achieve positive gains in performance and strength or just staying fit and prevent injury that often occurs due to tight muscles.

In the last couple of years this wonderful new therapy tool has become very popular.  You probably see it everywhere. It’s  referred to as a massage gun, or percussive massager. Sports teams use them to help with recovery even while on the side lines between plays.

When exercising or physically exerting oneself in a sport, the body’s tissues, muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons and bone, need time to rebuild. The massage gun can help decrease the time it takes to recover by increasing circulation, decreasing the effects of lactic acid, and helping to relax tight muscles.

There are several new manufacturers of this therapy tool in the last few years making it difficult to choose which one is best for you.

As a chiropractor I like to utilize tools that help to relax my patients’ muscles prior to making adjustments to their spine. I came upon this brand and have been using it in my practice ever since. I would like to share my experience with you in my Booster Pro 2 review. Decrease your pain with percussion massage and gain that competitive edge in your sport through effective recovery.

Product Specifics

Booster Pro 2 Review - Decrease your pain with percussion massage
Booster Pro 2 massage gun with carrying case.
  • Percussions Per Minute: 1800-3400
  • Speeds: 9 gears
  • Built-in Lithium-ion Battery: 24 V
  • Battery Life: 3 Hrs

What it comes with

  • Cordless percussion massager
  • Carrying case
  • 5 massage heads
  • Charging cord
  • Instruction Booklet
  • Warranty

Check it out on Amazon $198

Use of the 5 different attachments

  • Sphere -> the most gentle attachment

    Booster Pro 2 Review - Decrease your pain with percussion massage
    Booster Pro 2 Heads
    attached – flat circle
    Chisel , Pointed, fork, sphere
  • Pointed -> for precise massage points, more specific
  • Chisel -> for larger muscle groups and prolonged time
  • Flat circle -> for gentle yet direct massage. Works well for gluteal muscles
  • Fork-> for precise spinal massage or hard to reach places

My Personal use

I originally wanted to purchase this therapy tool because I suffer from chronic pain. I had tried the Booster Pro 2 at my sister’s house since she had one and was amazed at how it helped relieve tension in my muscles and decreased the pain in my joints.

I tried out the different attachments to see how they felt in different muscles with the various speeds available in the Booster Pro 2. Through my personal use of this therapy tool, I was able to figure out how I could best utilize this tool in the treatment of my patients.

I use the Booster Pro 2 on my hips, thighs, legs and feet with ease. I also can use the Booster Pro 2 on my shoulders, forearms and hands as well as the back of my neck. The only areas that are difficult to treat myself are my low back and mid back due to difficulty applying appropriate pressure at the correct angle. I have to find a willing person to administer the treatment.

The Booster Pro 2 puts out a strong percussive pressure. When using the sphere you can lighten up the amount of pressure that the massage gun puts out. I find it’s best to use the sphere when working on muscles that are sore or sensitive. When I want to go deeper and more specific with the amount of therapeutic percussion I like to use the chisel or the pointer.

Utilizing the Booster Pro 2 on patients/clients

Booster Pro 2 Review - Decrease your pain with percussion massage
Using Booster Pro 2 with fork attachment. Para-spinal massage

In my 25 plus years of  chiropractic practice I perform soft tissue massage with all of my patients prior to adjusting them. I’ve been using my hands and occasionally the cold laser. As the years go by and the hands are getting tired, it’s nice to have a tool that I can use part of the time, to help relax my patient’s muscles. I especially use the Booster Pro 2 on hips/gluteal muscles, thighs, legs and along the mid to lower para-spinal muscles as well as the shoulders and upper back.

Most of my patients like my use of the Booster Pro 2. They find that it relaxes them and helps to decrease their pain.

One thing to keep in mind is that the Booster Pro 2 puts out a strong percussive force.  It’s important to monitor the amount of pressure placed on the booster pro as it can deliver quite a deep percussive force. Some people may be intolerant to this pressure. For anyone who cannot tolerate the deeper stimulus, I would recommend using the sphere and be sure to gently place the therapeutic head lightly on the area being treated.

The lower frequencies work well for muscle recovery after exertion in a sport or workout. The medium frequencies work well to loosen muscles therapeutically and help decrease pain by interrupting the pain stimulus to the brain. The higher frequencies work well for thick muscle tissue, for someone who is tolerant to the intensity of the percussive frequency, and great for prepping muscles for an intense workout.  Remember to keep the treatment time to 30 seconds per region.

The stall force, which is the amount of pressure it takes to actually stall the motion of the gun is 33 pounds. I’ve never experienced that happening and I have pressed hard into my own hips thinking I may stall it but the gun keeps going. I’ve put it through the test many times and it’s amazingly strong.

The amplitude, that’s the amount of depth it travels is 12 mm. I have found that is plenty deep for most muscle groups, depending on the position. I’ve never had to push very hard to get the desired effect on my patients. When I’ve used it on myself, especially in my hips, that is when I press pretty hard at a medium frequency and experience the desired effect of relaxation in the muscle group.

Precautions and Contraindications

Avoid using the Booster Pro 2 or any other percussive massage tool if you have thrombosis (blood clots).

Consult with your doctor prior to using any percussion massage gun if you have any of the below conditions or if you are uncertain about use with any other condition not listed.

  • Lumbar injuries
  • broken bones
  • sprains/strains
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • varicose veins
  • pregnancy
  • advanced level of diabetes
  • certain types of chronic back pain or injuries
  • when taking blood thinning medication
  • scabs, wounds, cancerous lesions
  • anywhere where the is impaired sensation
  • use caution in the neck.  Avoid the front of neck


In the over 25 years that I have been a practicing chiropractor, this piece of equipment is by far the best investment I’ve made in equipment. It’s very effective for preparing my patients for adjustments and of course, I love using it on myself to help relieve my aches and pains and muscle tightness.

I hope the information I shared in my Booster Pro 2 review is helpful.  In conjunction with a regular stretch routine its a great way to decrease pain in tight muscles and help you recover for optimal performance.

What recovery routine do you use that helps your athletic performance? Please share in the comments section below.

What is the Truth About the Corona Virus -Beware of false information

We are all living in unprecedented times, that is for certain. Who would have thought that 2020, the year everyone was anxiously awaiting, would turn out to be like this? Several people in high places have been predicting it and a very few maybe even started planning for it, but most of us have been blind sided by this world event.

The information out there on the internet, on the various news stations and social media is varied. There is also a lot of opinion flying around  from sources that are not credible.  Partial or manipulated truths  that opportunistic scavengers are going to profit from by circulating these sensational stories.

So What is the Truth About the Corona Virus? Please, for your safety and the safety of others, beware of believing and circulating false information.

I understand, It’s hard to stay locked in

As humans we are social beings. I think even people who don’t think they are social beings have discoverd during this time that they are social. The saying, “You never know what you’ve got until it’s gone,” is in full effect.

We need social interaction with other people, at least a little bit.

Some of us get our social interactions from work, with co-workers or clients, some of us get it from going to the gym or going to an exercise class. Going out to a restaurant with a friend or two or 10, going to church, bible study, you name it. We don’t get to do that right now and for some it can cause a bit of difficulty. For those who may suffer from depression, this whole situation may be complicating their condition.

It’s important to reach out for help, whether it’s a family member, a friend, a doctor or therapist , or a hot line that can help direct you.           is one example of a mental health help website.

Imagine though, back during times when technology did not exist, if something like this would happen there would be no contact with anyone. I am sure grateful for the ability to interact with others via technology.

Information Overload

The other day, in my inbox I found an e-mail entitled, “Bill Gates – Philanthropist or Eugenicist?”  I did a fact check and this is what I found.                                                                                            

So what are we supposed to believe? There is a lot of false information floating around out there which makes it difficult to know what is truth and what is not. As a rule, what I tell myself so that I don’t panic is to first ask myself if this information has a political bent. If it does, dismiss and go to the source, the CDC (center for disease control).

The conspiracy theories and political opinions are raging like the California wild fires in the fall. All it does to listen to these is cause more confusion and possibly steer us in the wrong direction, not to mention add more stress to our lives.

As time goes along, the scientists are getting a better understanding of what this virus is about.  We must trust in the process.

What to do in the mean time

Our body’s immune system could use some help in fortifying itself in preparation for having to attack this virus, or any other microbe for that matter. One of the best ways to do this is to build a strong immune system with proper nutrition, exercise and get the rest we need.

Proper nutrition is essential for a stronger immune system. When we allow ourselves to over indulge in foods that create a hardship for the body, such as processed foods, sugars, bad fats, preservatives, and more, this depletes the body of its vital nutrition.   Nutrition is necessary to rebuild the organ systems so they can perform their functions optimally. Bad food makes it more difficult for our body’s immune system to fight off the various microbes that cross our path.

Check out my posts on the anti-inflammatory diet for recommendations on optimal eating.

Here’s an article about why sugar is tough on the body

Why is sleep important for the immune system

While we sleep our body goes into repair mode. The brain needs enough quality sleep in order to maintain proper function. Without it the brain can not perform its many vital functions and all the body’s systems suffer.

While we sleep, proteins called Cytokines are produced and released during sleep and help to target inflammation and immunity against microbes that cause colds or flu.

Growth hormone is released as well which is important for tissue repair.

Check out some other important reasons why sleep is so. important for our health and well-being.

The Importance of Exercise for the Immune System


When you come across a bit of information that makes you wonder what is the truth about the corona virus, remember to analyze the source of information. Be sure if an article has an embedded partial video clip trying to make their point, find the video or the source in its entirety and you may find that the information was manipulated to help the person drive their point. Also, check to see if the person promoting a video or article is trying to sell something or receive money for advertising something. The more outrageous the story, the more clicks they get, the more money they make. Always check your sources.

There’s a story circulation in social media about a documentary by a Dr. Judy Mikovitz loaded with conspiracy theories. I know many who believe these claims she’s made. Check out this fact check on her theories.

In the mean time stay well and stay positive. This situation is evolving and new information is coming available to help us adapt to this new normal.

I’d be interested in hearing your experience during this pandemic. Feel free to comment below.

In good health,


Why do all of my joints hurt? – What you’re eating may be causing it

Why do all of my joints hurt? - What you're eating may be causing it
Stiff as a tin man

Do you find that when you get up in the morning, you feel like the tin man, stiff as a board? If you’ve been on your feet for a few hours,  doing a lot of walking or manual labor, your joints ache at the end of the day? Or what about when you get up after you’ve been sitting for a while, it takes several steps to get going because of the ache or stiffness in your joints?

Do you have a more sedentary life style and still feel sore and achy? What’s going on? You may go to the massage therapist or see your chiropractor and you’re still hurting. You ask yourself, why do all of my joints hurt?

There is a chance that what you’re eating may be causing it.

If your body is hurting, it means your body is inflamed. There are certain foods that cause, contribute, or perpetuate inflammation. In order to start feeling better, you may have to cut some things out of your diet for awhile and allow your body to get healthy again.

What kinds of foods can be causing my pain?

Why do all of my joints hurt? - What you're eating may be causing it
Frozen Yogurt

At the end of the day do you find yourself craving sugar? You eat your dinner (It may even be a very healthy dinner), and after a short while you want something sweet to eat. You go into your stash of cookies, chocolate, or ice cream, or you take a quick trip to the fro yo place just down the block and get yourself your favorite frozen yogurt.

Why do all of my joints hurt? - What you're eating may be causing it

How about breakfast? What is your favorite breakfast? Is it a yummy maple pecan granola? Do you swing by the donut shop and pick up a couple donuts? How about that delicious cinnamon roll or scone with your coffee that’s sweetened with sugar?

Why do all of my joints hurt? - What you're eating may be causing it






You will find that sugar and high fructose corn syrup are on the ingredient lists of many processed foods. Even foods that you would have never thought were sweetened. These refined carbohydrates lack fiber. Fiber, especially soluble fiber, slows absorption of sugar thus helping to control blood sugar.

Why do all of my joints hurt? - What you're eating may be causing it

What that means is eating a piece of fruit that is naturally sweet and contains fiber is processed in the body much differently than a pastry or any other refined carbohydrate. Refined carbohydrates such as sugar and high fructose corn syrup encourage the growth of bacteria that contribute to inflammation.

Here is a list of foods high in sugar as well as refined carbohydrates that contribute to inflammation:

  • candy
  • cookies
  • cakes
  • ice cream or frozen yogurt
  • protein/nutrition bars (must check nutritional information)
  • cereals
  • soft drinks
  • fruit juices
  • bread, pasta
  • foods containing added sugar and flour.
Why do all of my joints hurt? - What you're eating may be causing it

Artificial trans fats and partially hydrogenated oils like margarine are inflammatory.

Foods that are fried contain trans fats that are inflammatory. What is yummier than french fries, fish and chips, and donuts?

These are yummy fun foods that bring much pleasure to the palate in the moment but are reaping havoc in your body and increasing inflammation.

A small amount of naturally occurring trans fats are found in beef, lamb and butter. There is not enough evidence supporting the possibility that these naturally occurring trans fats have the same bad effects as the industrially manufactured trans fats.

Salt and salty foods tend to retain water, so for the person who has issues with inflammation, they will find an increase in pain and inflammation in the joints due to this water retention.

Why do all of my joints hurt? - What you're eating may be causing it
Processed Meats

Processed meats contain high amounts of sodium and other preservatives that are problematic for someone experiencing pain and inflammation. Examples of processed meats are:

  • canned meats
  • spam
  • bacon
  • sausage
  • lunch meat
  • bologna
  • salami and pepperoni
  • hot dogs
  • smoked meats and smoked fish.
Why do all of my joints hurt? - What you're eating may be causing it
Hot dogs and sausages are high in salt and often preservatives







Why do all of my joints hurt? - What you're eating may be causing it
Alcoholic Beverages

What about alcohol? Can that increase my inflammation? Studies have shown that alcohol increases the inflammatory marker C-Reactive Protein (CRP). When CRP is elevated in the blood, it is indicative of infection or inflammation in the body. Severely high CRP can be indicative of a serious underlying medical condition such as infection, an uncontrolled autoimmune condition or severe tissue damage.

So how much can I drink?  It is recommended that we limit our alcohol intake to 1 beverage for women and 2 beverages for men per day. More than that can develop bacterial toxins that contribute to a condition in the intestines referred to as leaky gut, that spreads inflammation throughout the body and can lead to organ damage.

Do you find it difficult to give up fun food?

I understand. Food is so many things besides sustenance. It’s comforting, it’s social, it’s celebratory, it provides a temporary pleasure that feels good when we’re feeling down. All of this is true, however that feel good feeling is temporary. Once you swallow it, it’s gone and then the pleasure is over.

Fun food is only helping you while you’re eating and then when you’re finished, it can make you feel bad. If you are young and still resilient, your body might be able to handle it. But as the years go by, the body becomes less tolerant of bad/fun food and can create suffering.

You have to make the decision whether you want to feel good for a few minutes and lousy for the rest of the day, or do you want to feel good most of the time?

Eliminating these inflammatory foods…

…Is doable. You just have to make the decision to commit to a healthier life style that will enable you to do more in your day to day. If you can follow an 80/20 principle to start, that makes it a little easier.

Some people do better with cutting things out cold turkey and the truth is, if you can cut sugary and sweet foods and beverages completely,  it makes it a lot easier to stick to a plan that can cleans and detoxify your body. As soon as you eat even the smallest amount of sugary sweet food, the cravings start all over again and that makes the whole process a lot more challenging.

How to Eliminate the bad/fun foods and adopt a healthier way to eat

There are so many diets out there that work,  it’s just a matter of deciding what you can commit to.

The Mediterranean diet, the paleo eating plan, and the  Keto plan are my favorites. Pick any one of them and follow along.  Your body will change for the better as long you eliminate all the bad foods mentioned above.

If it all seems too overwhelming, just start by cutting out one bad thing. Say you want to cut sugars first; instead of drinking a six-pack of Pepsi throughout the day, try cutting back to 5 Pepsi’s and one glass of water for 2 days, then 4 Pepsi’s and 2 glasses of water for 2 days, then 3 and 3 and so on. Pepsi does contain caffeine so you have to either replace the caffein with a healthier alternative or wean yourself off of it a little slower.  As long as you commit to making an effort every day, no matter what, you can make a positive change.

There are plenty of books on the market that can help you with various types of eating. One of my favorites that I reference in one of my posts, will really clean up your life. It’s called The Plant Paradox by Dr. Steven Gundry.

Another one of my favorite books on the Keto style of eating is called The Coconut Ketogenic Diet. I found this way of eating to be fun and quite satisfying. It might make the whole process of changing your eating a bit easier.

I also love The Mediterranean Diet for Beginners since it’s not as restrictive and it’s simple.


I’ve heard clients tell me that they don’t know how to cook or don’t have the time to prepare their meals. I understand, so in an upcoming post I will share with you  some wonderful companies that can prepare your meals for you. All you have to do is pack them in your cooler and take them with you.  Fortunately,  many restaurants now offer healthier choices on their menu giving you that option as well.

I would love to hear from you. Let me know what you’ve done to modify your eating to feel better and how it worked for you. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Yours in Good Health,


Dehydration and Joint Pain – Is there a connection?

Dehydration and Joint Pain
The Human body is 70% water

The human body is 50 to 75% water, depending on the source you are looking at. Some organs, like the lungs are approximately 83% water, where the heart and brain are made up of 73% water. Water is necessary for every one of the body’s functions, in fact every living cell in the body needs it to keep functioning. The human body can go without food for about 21 days depending on the health of the person but cannot do without water for more than 3 to 4 days.

Is there a connection between dehydration and join pain?

Water rich tissues in the body

We need water to lubricate our joints. Ligaments, tendons, cartilage and the discs in the spine are in large part water. If we don’t drink enough water throughout the day these tissues begin to lose water and don’t function smoothly.

Dehydration and Joint Pain
Old bicycle chain

Imagine a chain on a bicycle or the gears in a motor; if they do not have oil the cogs cannot move smoothly, the bicycle chain will stick and catch, all of this causing increased wear and tear on the mechanism. The same is so for the human body and the joints. Drying out the joints, by not drinking enough

Dehydration and Joint Pain
Rusted gears

water, eating water rich foods and or losing excess water and not replenishing it, increases wear and tear on the joints creating accelerated degeneration. Optimal hydration is imperative for healthy joints.

How we lose water

Dehydration and Joint Pain
We lose water through sweat

Our bodies are constantly losing water through various bodily functions. Urination and sweating are the most obvious of these functions. We also lose water when we breathe, as we exhale. Water is eliminated through our colon as well and is an important part of eliminating waste from the body.

Urination is equally important in the elimination of waste products from our body. This is one of the reasons it is important to drink plenty of pure clean water. Various toxins that are accumulated in the body via food we eat, beverages we consume and the air we breathe, to name a few, make it into our blood stream. This blood makes its way to our kidneys where it is filtered. Water helps to flush these toxins out of our bodies via the urinary system. If we don’t get enough water, fewer toxins make it out of our body. This can impair organ function.

Various causes of increased loss of water

Dehydration and Joint Pain
Heat Stress

The mechanism of sweating is important in regulating our body temperature when it heats up. In extreme heat conditions when excessive sweating occurs, we can lose 1 to 1 1/2 liters of sweat per hour. If this water is not replaced it causes blood volume to drop. This in turn causes blood pressure to drop. If 10% of body weight is lost in water, this is an emergency and can be fatal if the fluids are not replaced.

When a person becomes ill from either the flu or some other illness, or from eating food that’s gone bad, the digestive system wants to eliminate it, so vomiting and diarrhea can occur. This can cause dehydration as well as a decrease in electrolytes in the body. It is important to stabilize the body and begin to introduce fluids back into the body as soon as possible. Check out this comprehensive article on Causes of vomiting as well as how to reintroduce fluids and food.

There are medications that can have a diuretic (loss of water) effect. It’s important to consult with your physician or pharmacist regarding the potential side effects of the medications you take. You may need to increase your water intake daily if you will be losing excessive water while taking these medications.

Dehydration and Joint Pain
Coffee can dehydrate

Drinking coffee and tea will also increase urinary out put. For this reason it is necessary to drink at least one glass of water for every caffeinated beverage you drink above your normal water intake. These beverages do not count as water intake for the day as they have that diuretic effect.

Dehydration and Joint Pain
Wine can dehydrate

Alcohol also increase urinate out put. One of the reasons that people suffer from a headache after drinking alcohol is that they become dehydrated. Check out this article by the National Headache foundation that explains this process in greater detail.

Diuretic and anti-inflammatory supplements and herbs can also cause an increase in urinary output. Adjust your water intake accordingly.

Optimal water intake and committing to it

As a guideline if you take in half your body weight in ounces every day, you should have plenty of water. If you drink coffee or tea, increase your water intake by the amount of the beverage you took in. 8 ounces of coffee or tea = 8 ounces of extra water.

It is also very important to eat an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits to help with hydration. Eating a nutrient rich diet helps to maintain healthy organ systems and encourages optimal tissue repair. When we eat foods that are processed, overcooked, high in sugar and salt, our body has a hard time functioning and repairing itself for optimal health.

Dehydration and Joint Pain
Drink water throughout the day

My favorite way to make sure I stick to drinking enough water every day is to have a water bottle(s) with the amount of water in it that I’m supposed to drink every day. You might need to fill 2 or 3 bottles and set them aside.  I keep one water bottle near me always. Create the habit of drinking a few swigs every 15 minutes. Set a timer at first if you need help creating the habit.  I make sure to finish the water in all of the water bottles by the evening.   Once you start drinking water you will almost crave it.


Water is a wonderful thing to crave over unhealthful beverages. The health benefits are great. You will notice how much better you feel if you eliminate the sugary or diet drinks (including fruit juice) and replace them with a sufficient amount of water in your daily intake. You may find that all you needed to do in order to get rid of that headache, low back or knee pain is to increase your water intake. A simple solution for a painful problem.

I hope you were able to find some answers regarding dehydration and joint pain here in this blog post. Please let me know if you have any questions. I would love to hear about your experiences concerning this issue.

Yours in good health,


Chronic Inflammation and Exercise – The Importance of Exercise for Chronic Inflammation

Chronic Inflammation and Exercise

A balanced life style is important for anyone who is suffering with chronic inflammation. Eating right, getting plenty of rest, lowering emotional stress levels, drinking plenty of pure clean water and getting moderate exercise, are all important elements in helping to combat inflammation in the body. The question is what kind of exercise and how much.

Read on to find out the important relationship between chronic inflammation and exercise.

Strenuous exercise

Chronic Inflammation and Exercise
Strenuous Exercise

Strenuous exercise can often be invigorating and fun, however it causes inflammation in the body. Micro tears occur in the muscle fibers causing an inflammatory response in the body. This inflammatory response is the first stage of the recovery and healing process, rebuilding the muscle tissue by an influx of blood to the area and thus building stronger muscles.

Too much strenuous exercise over a prolonged period of time can degenerate the body however.

Rest is an important part of that recovery process. Rest can mean not only rest as we know it; sleeping, reclining, napping, not exercising, and restorative yoga, but also active rest which is a form of exercise that helps in the recovery process, like a gentle walk, bike ride, or swim. These types of exercise done gently can help in the recovery process by flushing out lactic acid (a bi-product of strenuous exercise that makes you feel sore) as well as bringing blood to the muscles to help them heal.

Of course most of us who have to deal with chronic inflammation don’t feel much like strenuous exercise. We have a hard enough time with physical activity and often tempted just to skip exercise all together due to pain.  The benefits of moderate exercise and a good stretch routine can actually help us to feel much better.

Types of Exercise that help with chronic inflammation

Depending on what an individual has going on physically will determine what type of exercise can be done.

Four types of cardio vascular exercise that can be gentle enough and yet still effective are walking, biking, swimming, or hand biking.

For someone who has pain in the feet, knees or hips, walking for exercise may not be an option. In this case biking, swimming or hand biking might be an option. Biking for some with knee issues feels great and for others, not so good. You have to try it out and see what works for you.

Chronic Inflammation and Exercise
Swimming, a great form of exercise that helps inflammation

Another great form of exercise besides swimming that can be very beneficial since it’s non-weight bearing is water aerobics. Many community pools and gyms have a water aerobics schedule. What’s additionally beneficial about this type of exercise is that it can be an overall body workout that offers a cardio as well as a resistance workout.

Chronic Inflammation and Exercise
Water aerobics
Chronic Inflammation and Exercise
Stationary Biking

With regard to biking, I would recommend a stationary bike either at home or at the gym. The bikes at the gym are desirable since they are computerized and inform while you ride, how many calories you are burning, heart rate,  as well as having the ability to increase the intensity as you begin to feel stronger.

Chronic Inflammation and Exercise
Recumbent Stationary Bike

Most health clubs or gyms offer upright or recumbent bikes for those participants who suffer from low back issues.

You can also find a hand bike at many gyms. This is a great exercise so long as you don’t have any issues with your hands, elbows or shoulders.

Chronic Inflammation and Exercise
Weight lifting

Moderate weight lifting is an important component to an exercise regimen as it helps to strengthen the muscles that surround inflamed and arthritic joints, lessening the discomfort in the joints.

Beginning at approximately the age of 30 we begin to lose 3 to 5% muscles mass per decade if we are inactive. Studies have shown that men will lose up to 30% of their muscle mass within their lifetime.  Loss of muscles mass and strength can lead to other problems to the aging population such as falling.  Weight lifting helps to increase bone density which is very beneficial for the aging population as it strengthens bones decreasing the potential for fracture.

Many gyms offer an introductory session with a membership to show you how to use the equipment. I recommend using the machines as most of them help the participant use the proper form when performing the exercises. Stick with light to moderate weight that you can push or pull for 15 to 20 repetitions when you’re first starting out. a strengthening workout regimen is best when done 3 times a week.

Chronic Inflammation and Exercise
Weight lifting class

If you join a gym, you will most often find strength classes where hand weights, resistance bands and body weight are used to perform the exercises. Be sure that which ever class you decide to participate in is for your fitness level as you want to avoid injury, avoid getting discouraged and you want the class to help you feel better, not worse.

How to get started

It’s important when starting any kind of exercise regimen that you talk with your doctor about what you are planning to do and get his/her approval. It’s also important that you speak with the instructor or trainer who is leading the class and tell them about your situation so they can help you modify any movement that could be either be difficult for you to perform due to your condition or potentially problematic.

First, lets get started with the cardio. Figure out what you think you’d like to do and then give it a try. Commit to 15 to 20 minutes the first time you get on the bike, go for a walk, or take a swim.

If you’re feeling fine after the first few minutes and the second few minutes, then keep on going until you are finished with the whole session you committed to.

If at any point during your exercise regimen you feel dizzy or short of breath, stop what you are doing. Consult with your doctor before proceeding with any exercise regimen.

Commit to taking a walk, going to the gym, or visiting the pool 3 times a week to start. Gradually increase the amount of time that you are exercising, before you increase the intensity. Once you get through the first two weeks, go ahead and add 2 to 5 minutes to your regimen.

To begin a weight training regimen, I would suggest, as I mentioned before, to take an introductory lesson on how to use the equipment since proper form and use of the equipment is very important in your progress. My recommendation to you is to work with the weights 3 times per week. Work lower body muscles one day then upper body muscles the next, alternating with each workout. Always warm up before your weight workout with your 15 to 20 minutes of cardio exercise.

The Importance of stretching

Stretching is most important to help prevent injuries but also to help in the prevention of degeneration. The aging body is losing muscle mass and getting tight and inflexible as the years go by. This is why it is so important to do strengthening workouts as well as stretching or yoga. Tight muscles help to increase the degenerative process pulling joint surfaces together.  Stretching elongates muscle fibers, stimulates blood flow which helps in decreasing pain and stiffness.

Chronic Inflammation and Exercise
Restorative Yoga

In a perfect world, I would recommend a comprehensive stretching regimen 3 times per week. An optimal workout regimen would be cardio and weight workout 3 days a wee with a day in between for recovery and comprehensive stretch or yoga class 2 days a week on your days off from weight training.

Ideally, some kind of stretch routine should be incorporated into your daily schedule in order to keep you moving  forward, in the direction of greater flexibility.


Whether you’ve been fairly inactive most of your life or an athlete, movement is imperative in the aging body, there’s no getting around it. The saying, “If you don’t use it you lose it,” is a reality. Sometimes it can be uncomfortable to exercise when first getting started, however the discomfort should not last long and the rewards are great if it means the difference between walking or not.

I have other posts that touch on nutrition and supplementation that can be helpful in dealing with pain and inflammation naturally, including a breakfast recipe.

Best anti-inflammatory foods

Best foods to eat for inflammation

The best healthy breakfast

The benefits of turmeric

The truth about CBD oil

The benefits of dandelion tea

I hope that reading about the relationship between inflammation and exercise was informative and that you found it helpful

Let me know if you have any questions, or need any help with getting started with an anti-inflammatory program.

In good health,


Does CBD Oil Really Work For Pain – What I discovered when I forgot to take my CBD oil

So often I will take a natural remedy and after a while wonder if it’s still working.  I feel better and forget what it was like back before I discovered the particular natural remedy.

Does CBD Oil Really Work for Pain

Suffering from chronic pain and inflammation, I’ve developed a nutritional regimen, including natural remedies and supplements that help me control it. One of those remedies is CBD Oil. It has done so much for me since I started taking it several months ago.

Today, I left for work and forgot to take my CBD Oil. Ooops! I realized it as I was diving away from home and had no time to go back home to take it. Oh well, this will be a good test as to whether it’s working or not.

Does CBD Oil Really work for pain? Continue reading and find out.

I discovered CBD Oil…

…several months ago when I was having a particularly challenging day, dealing with nerve pain in my body.

I work in a chiropractic office and we carry the Medterra Brand of CBD oils. I’d spoken to the office manager and other staff members who had been using it, but I kept putting it off trying it out until this day. My pain level was at a level that I couldn’t stand any longer so I decided to give CBD oil a try.

Does CBD Oil Really Work for Pain
CBD Oil Tincture

The Medterra brand is an isolate that comes in different strength tinctures, 500 mg, 1000 mg, and 3000mg bottles. I decided to go for the big daddy, high potency tincture as I felt that my pain was too great for anything less. So I purchased the 3000 mg bottle.

It took about a week for me to feel the full effect of the CBD oil and I was amazed how it brought my pain level way down.

Being a former competitive athlete, I suffer from arthritis and chronic inflammation, so I had to find something that helps me feel better without damaging side effects.

Some time has gone by…

…and I found that although the debilitating pain that I was experiencing had decreased significantly, I was still experiencing some pain.

If I’m real good about eating my anti-inflammatory foods, taking my supplements, getting enough rest, and of course taking my CBD oil, my pain is managed to a tolerable level, meaning I can still feel that my body’s degenerated areas exist, but I am able to carry on with my life and not feel miserable pain all the time especially when I’m up and about, walking, standing and taking care of life.

Living a Balanced life

When using a natural remedy to help your health while living a life style that’s  inconsistent with healthy living, you may find that the remedy doesn’t work as well.

If your body is inflamed and in pain, it’s important to bring balance into your life. Expecting one remedy to completely fix your life while eating inflammatory foods,  is not realistic.  There is no magic pill that will fix everything.

In order to stop the pain in your body, you need to stop doing the things that cause the pain in your body. There is some truth to the saying, “You are what you eat.” If you eat inflammatory foods, you’ll be inflamed. If you don’t do the necessary things in life to keep you healthy, you’ll notice that your health is challenged.

Balance is key.

Eating an anti-inflammatory diet is very helpful. Check out my post on the best foods to eat for inflammation as well as my post on the best anti-inflammatory diet.

Regular moderate exercise and a regular stretch or yoga routine will make a big difference in your life since strength and flexibility are two things we lose as we age, thus speeding up the aging process.

Does CBD Oil Really Work for Pain
Drink Pure Water

Keeping yourself hydrated by drinking half your body weight in ounces daily is important as, the body is made up of nearly 75% water. Water is used in many of our body’s physiological processes as well as helping in keeping our joints lubricated.

If you suffer from joint pain, it’s imperative that you take in enough fresh, pure water daily. Drinking coffee, tea, alcohol, or soft drinks does not count as water since they are dehydrating to the body. In fact if you take in any of these beverages, it’s important to take in more water.

Avoiding sugar, and sugar containing foods and beverages are important in helping to decrease inflammation in the body. Check out, “How bad is sugar for your health.”

Does CBD Oil Really Work for Pain
Anti-inflammatory supplements

A consistent supplement regimen can help control inflammation in the body as well. My favorites that have helped me tremendously are: Omega 3 Oil, Turmeric, Hyaluronic Acid, MSM, magnesium, and of course CBD oil.

So how did I confirm that CBD actually works?

So getting back to my story about heading off to work this morning and discovering that I’d forgotten to take my CBD oil… My work requires me to be 110% engaged and focused on what I’m doing. However, as the day went on, I felt myself slowing down. I began to notice my various aches and pains nagging at me.

By the time I was done working, I was definitely feeling the aches and pains. Couldn’t wait to get home and take my CBD.


So, Does CBD oil really work for pain? I would say, yes absolutely.

It does more that just help pain. CBD oil has other health benefits as well. Check out my article that discusses CBD in greater detail.

What’s the Best Healthy Breakfast – My Favorite Veggie Scramble

What's the Best Healthy Breakfast - My Favorite Veggie Scramble
Anti-Inflam-Scram with eggs over easy

What’s the best healthy breakfast? My favorite veggie scramble is a great way to start the day with high nutrition. So often due to a busy schedule and work,  we tend to stop and pick up take out from the coffee house or drive through, eat something that’s high in sugar and low in nutrition,  or we have no breakfast at all.  We don’t have time to cook our meals and might have to eat out for lunch too. I find if I at least get this in at the start of the day, I’ve done something great for my body that will carry me through the early part of the day.

Having breakfast is very important to your health and your productivity.

This is quick to put together and gives you a balance of nutritients to start your day.

What you need to put it together

  • I prefer using a non-stick pan.
  • Food Processor (Mine is the Kitchen Aid brand))
  • Spatula for flipping eggs


  • Coconut oil spray
  • 2 large or 4 medium asparagus
  • a handful of broccoli florets
  • a handful of cauliflower florets
  • 2 pastured eggs
  • *optional Parmesan cheese preferably made from goat or sheep milk


What's the Best Healthy Breakfast - My Favorite Veggie Scramble
Chop asparagus

Rinse off veggies. If you are using large asparagus, I’d suggest you split them in half or quarters before chopping them. Spray plenty of coconut oil spray into the pan and put the asparagus in the pan. Wait to start the cooking process till you have everything prepped and ready to go. I find if I don’t have it all ready, something will get overcooked and basically kill all that

wonderful nutrition in the veggies.

Prep for the broccoli and cauliflower: I break up the florets into my Kitchen Aid food processor. I turn it on for about two seconds and then pulse it until the contents are riced. Set aside.

What's the Best Healthy Breakfast - My Favorite Veggie Scramble
lightly cook asparagus in coconut oil spray

Saute the asparagus on medium low heat, for about 2 to 3 minutes then add the riced broccoli and cauliflower. Cover with a lid. Stir about every minute for 3 minutes maximum. You want the broccoli and asparagus to still look bright green.



What's the Best Healthy Breakfast - My Favorite Veggie Scramble
Lightly cooked Broccoli, Cauliflower and Asparagus

Empty the pan onto a plate and sprinkle with a little Parmesan cheese.







What's the Best Healthy Breakfast - My Favorite Veggie Scramble
Pastured Eggs




I like to fry (on low medium heat), with a little more coconut spray, my two pastured eggs. Break the eggs into the pan. Sprinkle a little more Parmesan cheese over the eggs while they are cooking. After about 2 minutes, gently flip so as to not break the yoke. Cook for no more than a minute and then with a spatula, place the eggs over the veggies. I like my eggs over easy so that the yoke can run over the veggies, but you cook them however you like.

The Anti-Inflam Scram

Another way to prepare this dish is to scramble the veggies with the eggs. Have the eggs broken in a small bowl and scrambled. You can scramble in the Parmesan cheese. Once you’ve reached the part of the recipe above where you add the broccoli and cauliflower to the asparagus in the pan, cook for about a minute and then add the egg mixture. Continually stir the ingredients, flipping them with a spatula until the egg is cooked. Remove from the pan immediately so that the veggies do not overcook.

Because the broccoli and cauliflower are riced, they cook a lot faster. In order to get the most nutritional benefit out of these veggies, not to mention the best taste, it’s very important to not overcook them.

The Great thing about Broccoli and Cauliflower

What's the Best Healthy Breakfast - My Favorite Veggie Scramble
Broccoli and Cauliflower

Broccoli and cauliflower are considered cruciferous vegetables. These amazing vegetables, besides having anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, have a substance in them called sulforafane. It has cancer fighting properties. A serving a day is very beneficial for your health.

The Great thing about Asparagus

What's the Best Healthy Breakfast - My Favorite Veggie Scramble

Asparagus contain a high amount of the amino acid asparagine which acts as a diuretic. This makes asparagus an ideal natural way to help rid yourself of bloat, swelling and inflammation.

Check out my post that elaborates on the topics of how healing asparagus and cruciferous vegetables are.

Why Goat or Sheep milk Parmesan?

Adding Parmesan cheese to this dish is optional, however I really enjoy the flavor it adds. Most often we purchase Parmesan cheese that is made from cows milk which can be problematic for people who are lactose intolerant.

Parmesan also contains salt so if you are on a low sodium diet, it’s probably best to avoid the Parmesan or use sparingly. Instead you might try your favorite no salt seasoning.

A great alternative for people who are lactose sensitive or intolerant might be Parmesan made from either sheep milk or goat milk. The fat globules in these two milks are smaller than in cows milk which makes them more easily digestible. Some people don’t like the stronger, sharper taste of goat milk and goat milk products which makes sheep milk cheeses a better alternative.


If you require more carbohydrates in your diet, I would recommend adding some gluten free oatmeal on the side. If you suffer from pain and inflammation or have an illness, I would recommend that you avoid adding sugar, a high glycemic sweetener or an artificial sweetener. Instead add a little cinnamon and a little stevia to sweeten it up if you must. Some gluten free toast is another option if you’d like to up the carbs.

The first time you make this, like with most things we do for the first time, it might take a little more time, however once you have it down, it’s a piece of cake, without the calories;) You can have it done and ready to eat in no time.

Next time you are racking your brain for what’s the best healthy breakfast, remember this very healthy veggie scramble. Who needs hash browns?;)

I’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to ask questions or comment in the comments section below and I will get back to you soon. Let me know what you enjoy putting in your healthy morning scramble.

In Good Health,


Best turmeric supplement review – A very beneficial supplement for pain and inflammation

One of my main topics here at DrDina Wellness is the discussion about pain and inflammation. I’ve been living with chronic pain and inflammation for a few years now and have continued to do research on the best ways to naturally combat it.

I have a regimen that helps me day in and day out to control it and if I veer off of the regimen, I surely do feel it.

Sometimes it takes me not doing part of my regimen to know how well it actually works. For instance, I delayed in getting one of my supplements till I was almost out, thinking that I could just go pick some up at the chiropractic office I work out of. Well, the office was out of it, so I went ahead and ordered it from the company only to find out that I had to renew my application as a nutrition practitioner before they would send me my supplement. Well that added a few days to receiving my supplement.

Needless to say, I am feeling the effects. I didn’t realize how well it does what it does for me.

I hope you find reading my Best Turmeric Supplement Review to be very helpful.

Product Specifics

  • Product: Kapp Arest by Biotics
  • Best Price: $47.90
  • Where to buy: Amazon
  • Quantity: 180 Capsules
  • What’s in it: Curcuminoids from turmeric rhizome extract, Boswelia extract, Propolis, extracts from Green tea, ginger, Rosemary, and celery seed, Alpha lipoic acid, trans-resveratrol, phytolens extract, Bioperene extract.

    Best Turmeric Supplement Review
    Nutritional Specifics
Best Turmeric Supplement Review
Kapp Arest


Best turmeric supplement review - A very beneficial supplement for pain and inflammation
Turmeric root

So what is all that stuff anyway? Curcuminoids are anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-microbial. Check out my post about The Benefits of Turmeric Curcumin for a greater explanation about the healing properties of turmeric.

Best turmeric supplement review - A very beneficial supplement for pain and inflammation

Boswelia and Propolis are also anti-inflammatory.

Best turmeric supplement review - A very beneficial supplement for pain and inflammation
Properties of Propolis
Best turmeric supplement review - A very beneficial supplement for pain and inflammation
Green Tea

Green tea is known for being anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant, helping to reduce free radicals, thus decreasing cell damage in the body.

Best turmeric supplement review - A very beneficial supplement for pain and inflammation
Ginger Root

Ginger is also known to be anti-inflammatory. Has shown to be very effective for pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis.

Best turmeric supplement review - A very beneficial supplement for pain and inflammation

Rosemary is a good source of anti-oxidants which are beneficial to fight free radicals. Studies have shown rosemary to be very beneficial in enhancing the immune system and improve blood circulation.

Best turmeric supplement review - A very beneficial supplement for pain and inflammation
Celery Seed

Celery seeds are a powerful anti-inflammatory.

Alpha Lipoic Acid is anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, can lower blood sugar, slow down the aging of the skin, and improve nerve function.

Trans-resveratrol is anti-aging and anti-inflammatory.

Phytolens extract has free radical scavenging ability that results in great benefit to the management of inflammation.

Bioperene extract helps to increase nutrient absorption.

All of these ingredients work synergistically to help scavenge free radicals, decrease inflammation, and increase the effectiveness of the immune system.

Each of the above ingredients have other health benefits as well, but for the purpose of this post I am sticking to discussing the anti-inflammatory properties.

How will this product help you

Best turmeric supplement review - A very beneficial supplement for pain and inflammation
Arthritis in hands

I can tell you from my own experience that this supplement is golden in my daily regimen, to control the pain and discomfort in my body from arthritis. I can tell that it supports my immune system as well. I know this because this past winter everyone around me was getting sick with the flu or colds and I was not phased. I also know that it helps with digestion and proper elimination.

How it can help you is very similar to how it helps me. You may also consider incorporating some anti-inflammatory foods into your daily regimen. I find that if I only take supplements and don’t fix my eating too, the supplements don’t work as well as they could. If I eat inflammatory foods every day, that means that my body is even more challenged in having to deal with inflammation. Not to say that you can never eat inflammatory foods again (I call this fun food), however if you are in pain most of or all of the time, you have to significantly decrease and even eliminate your intake of fun food, in order to experience a change for the better.

Check out my articles on The Best Foods to Eat for Inflammation and The Best Anti-inflammatory Foods to get some ideas that can be helpful for your day to day diet.

I know that sometimes it can feel overwhelming to completely change the way you eat. Some people can do cold turkey and others need a more gradual change. If you make baby steps to change, a little every day or every week, eventually you will get there.

The supplements will help you begin to become less inflamed as you make other changes to you daily food intake.

Pros and Cons to taking Kapp Arest

The pros are, you’ll feel less pain, less stiff, feel better doing your activities of daily living and exercise, you can lose weight, better digestion, better elimination, enhanced immune system.

There really are no cons, except maybe when you run out. Your pain may come back, especially if you have a degenerative condition. My rule for myself is, DON’T run out.

Caution:  Not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.  If you are taking any medications, be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist to be sure that Kapp Arest does not have any drug interactions.

Proper Dosage

The bottle recommends 3 capsules per day. I use 6 capsules per day, 2 with meals, 3 times per day. My recommendation to you is start at 3 capsules per day, 1 capsule with food, 3 times per day. You can increase it to 6 capsules per day either 2 capsules 3 times per day with food or 3 capsules 2 times per day with food.

I would not exceed 8 capsules a day. Taking more only wastes it since your body can only absorb so much.

It is important to drink plenty of water while taking this supplement.  As a general rule, it’s best to drink half your body weight in ounces.  Hydration is essential for many of your bodily functions to perform optimally. Not drinking enough pure water can also contribute to pain.


There are different things that can cause you pain and inflammation, some of which can be very serious. If you experience unexplained pain, be sure to see your doctor and/or wellness professional.

This post is in no way attempting to diagnose your problem. I am just sharing my experience dealing with arthritic pain and my choice to handle it naturally.

Medications can have some pretty severe side effects, so I choose to go the natural route whenever possible.

I hope you found my Best Turmeric Supplement Review helpful in making a decision about incorporating a turmeric supplement into your daily nutritional regimen.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask or comment below in the comments section.

In Good Health,


Best Reusable Ice Pack Reviews – Most effective to ice an injury or inflamed body part

In a physical therapy or chiropractic clinic as well as in an athletic training facility, it’s important to have use of durable, effective ice packs to treat patients and athletes for injured or inflamed body parts. Being in chiropractic practice for over 23 years, I have found the Colpac ice pack by Chattanooga to be my favorite due to its durability, it’a ability to stay cold and its pliability to fit around almost any body part.

Here I’d like to add my input to the Best Reusable Ice Pack Reviews.

Product Specifics

  • Best Reusable Ice Pack Reviews
    Colpac Ice Pack 12.5″ x 18.5″

    Product: Chattanooga Colpac reusable gel ice pack

  • Price: $20.79
  • Where to buy: Amazon
  • Size 12.5″ x 18.5″
  • Materials:  Polyurethane outer, Silca gel inner
  • Guarantee: Amazon Return Policy
  • My Rating: 5*/5*

You can purchase other sizes of this ice pack and ice packs that are shaped for icing the neck, but if you can only have one, I like this one for its versatility.

Best Reusable Ice Pack Reviews
Colpac Ice packs in various sizes


Best Reusable Ice Pack Reviews
Icing knee with Colpac Ice Pack 12.5″ x 18.5″

A great way to ice a larger body part such as back, shoulder, hip, and thigh, however works great for knee as well. When I use it on my knee I tend to fold it in half.  It can also be wrapped around the knee. Place a towel under a supported leg, with knee extended, mold the Colpac ice pack around the knee. Be sure to have a bandanna or thin towel between the ice pack and the body part to protect the skin and prevent ice burn.

How will this product help you

This product works well for icing a body part that has been injured, for recovery after exercise or exertion, for everyday aches and pains and pulled muscles. It’s made of a durable polyurethane material that is flexible and comfortable. The silica material inside the pack is very pliable making it easy to wrap around or apply to most body parts.

Pros and Cons

The pros are durability, pliability, and effectively stays cold for 30 minutes. Its soft and comfortable while icing an injury (other than the initial discomfort of the cold).

The cons, well there really aren’t any except I purchased one once that after a while started to leak. That could have been because of the way I was storing it in my freezer, uncovered, folded in half and shoved in whatever space happened to be available in the freezer. The only other thing that is very preventable is if you put the ice pack straight onto your skin without a towel between the ice pack and your skin, it can give you an ice burn.

Proper use and Care of the Colpac ice pack

When you first receive your Colpac Ice Pack, remove it from it’s packaging. Place the ice pack in a freezer no colder than 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure that it is placed flat in the freezer. After 2 hours it will be ready to go.

As mentioned previously, make sure to place a towel or bandanna between your skin and the ice pack. Ice the injured body part for up to and not exceeding 20 minutes.

It is best to NOT sit, lay, or sleep on Colpac.

When finished, be sure to wipe off all the moisture on the ice pack and place it in a resealable plastic back (this helps to extend the life of the ice pack) and again, place the ice pack flat in the freezer.

For an acute injury, you can ice for up to 20 minutes every hour for a couple of days. Best to get directions from your doctor or physical therapist for specific instructions for your injury.

The Colpac is not intended to be used as a hot pack. Only use for cold therapy.

The sooner after an injury that you ice, the better. Once the injured body part begins to swell, this slows down the healing process. Icing immediately after injury can speed up the healing process.

Check out my post on How to Treat a Swollen Knee.


I hope this post on the best reusable ice pack reviews has been helpful to you.

This review is not meant to diagnose any health issue or give you a treatment plan. Ultimately you must seek the guidance of your doctor or physical therapist for an appropriate treatment plan for your injury.

Having been an athlete for most of my life and having multiple injuries over the years, ice has been my friend. Now I’m an older athlete with plenty of osteoarthritis in my joints. I find icing my knees and my low back to be very comforting and healing post exercise, or if I’m having a particularly uncomfortable day.

I would love to hear from you about how icing has worked for you. Please let me know if you have any questions. I will do my very best to get back to you promptly.

In Good Health,


How to Treat a Swollen Knee – Post injury or aggravation

How to Treat a Swollen Knee
Knee Pain

People from many walks of life deal with knee pain and swelling. Whether its occasional or every day. It can hamper your activity level and even make you down right miserable. There are many causes for knee pain and swelling, a couple of those being injury and overuse.

How to Treat a Swollen Knee
Playing Soccer can be hard on the knees

An injury may have occurred while participating in a sport or athletic activity, landing badly after jumping from even the smallest elevation, tripping and falling, or in a car accident.

Overuse can come from working a job that requires you to stand on your feet for many hours a day and other activities that may require you to kneel or carry a heavy load, over and over again. Participating in a strenuous sport over many years, such as martial arts, running, dancing, weight lifting can wear the joints down.

How to Treat a Swollen Knee
Martial Arts can be hard on the knees

Overuse can also come in the form of being overweight. Walking and pounding the joints with extra weight on the frame can cause early degeneration in the knees and other joints.

Wearing non-supportive shoes especially when engaging in physical activity can also be a contributing factor to knee pain and swelling.

The Importance of Wearing Sport Specific Shoes

Something that I found to be of the utmost importance as a dancer and athlete was to wear the right shoes for what I was doing. Also important is to make sure shoes are replaced when they begin to wear as it puts undue stress on the body’s whole frame.

How to Treat a Swollen Knee
Dance Sneakers

When I was teaching dance fitness classes, I could tell when my dance sneakers were beginning to wear because I could feel it in my knees. My legs would tire much faster. I also found that if I wore shoes other than dance sneakers when I was teaching my dance fitness classes (shoes that stuck to the floor), it would cause a lot of pain and discomfort not only in my knees and legs but also in my hips and low back. Improper shoes forced me to recruit other muscles in excess in order to perform the same movements. Shoes that might otherwise be great for boot camp, running or weight training are too sticky on the floor for dance. Dancing movements often involve twisting and sliding on the floor, as an example.

Cycling shoes are a much better choice when riding a bike or when participating in a spin class. The sole is stiffer, there by taking pressure off of the sole of the foot and making each pedal stroke more efficient.

How to Treat a Swollen Knee
Running Shoes

Same goes for running shoes. Depending on the type of running event an athlete participates in, determines which running shoe works best for his or her particular sport. For the recreational runner, good supportive running shoes that fit properly and distribute the forces most effectively into the foot and ultimately the body are very important to help prevent impact and injury to the knees and other joints.

How to Treat a Swollen Knee – The RICE principal

Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. When an injury or a flare up of pain occurs, it’s important to rest from strenuous or prolonged activity to encourage the area to heal. However, lack of movement isn’t good either. It’s important to talk with your doctor or physical therapist about exercises that will help to heal the painful, swollen knee. Immobility may be necessary for a little while but also incorporating some exercises to maintain the strength of the muscles surrounding the knee are important in the healing process.

ICE IS YOUR FRIEND! Ice is very helpful in decreasing pain and inflammation. The sooner that you apply ice to the injured knee, the better. Inflammation is a normal process early on after an injury that can help in healing the injured area and can keep the injured person from using it, protecting it from further injury. The body’s response, however is often excessive. Too much inflammation that can have adverse effects. Icing soon after the injury or swelling occurs and as often as possible (up to 20 minutes per hour), for the first 48-72 hours will help to minimize swelling and decrease pain. Elevating while icing is even better.

If knee pain is a regular thing for you, I also recommend icing after activity or prolonged standing.

Compression is helpful early on in an injury to help with swelling. It gives the knee support when you’re up and about. Compression can be painful for some people for prolonged periods, so be mindful and take breaks from compression. Make sure to remove the compression bandage or sleeve for sleep.

Elevating the knee above the heart (or at least at the level of the heart) helps drain fluid away from the area. Ice while elevating for a more optimal affect.

Methods of Icing I’ve found to be most effective

1) Ice massage for the knee is my all time favorite as I find it to be most effective and takes less time.

  1. Get a box of 5 oz. Dixie cups
  2. Fill a few up with water (to about 1/4 inch from the rim)
  3. Freeze
  4. Peal paper cup from around the ice leaving a bit of cup to still hold onto
  5. Massage the ice around the knee for 8-10 minutes

*As the ice melts, it’s going to run down to the surface your leg is resting on so I suggest a towel under your leg to catch the water.

How to Treat a Swollen Knee
My Favorite Ice Pack

2) Colpac ice pack. My very favorite Ice pack. I use it on my patients in my chiropractic practice and I have two extra large ones in my freezer at home. They are the best because they are very durable for many icing sessions and they are a soft pliable pack that can be molded around the body part you’re icing.  They retain the cold for 30 minutes (however I would not ice for more than 20 minutes at a time). The pack is real cold so you want to make sure you place a bandanna, or a thin kitchen towel between the pack and your skin. You don’t want the towel to be too thick that you don’t get the knee cold enough.  Ice for 15 to 20 minutes maximum.

Check out my upcoming review on the Colpac ice pack.

3) In a pinch, if you don’t have an ice pack or have your Dixie cups ready, you can always use a bag of peas, or a bag of ice. I find that the bag of peas aren’t quite cold enough. Again use for 15 to 20 minutes maximum


Your doctor may recommend over the counter anti-inflammatory meds such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen. If you prefer or need to stay away from medications, I can recommend more natural methods of decreasing inflammation.

Our body’s chemistry is extremely important in order for it to heal optimally. Foods that we eat can affect our body positively or adversely when it comes to performance and healing.

Also, there are various supplements that are helpful for pain and inflammation. Check out some of my other posts that you might find helpful.

I hope this has helped inform you on how to treat a swollen knee.


Due to my life style, I over used my knees for 50 years. I had a lot of fun over the years destroying my knees and now I’m having to deal with the after effects.

I have found, in order to minimize the pain in my knees, it takes living a very conscientious life. Focus on healthy everything: Healthy food, supplements, exercise, rest, thoughts and spirituality.

Let me know if you have any questions about this and feel free to share with me your experience with knee injuries and helpful therapies.

In Good Health,
